September is sapphire month, and nobody does sapphires quite like Gurhan. The intrinsic color and beauty are highlighted even more with brilliant briolettes in a unique and stunning wave of ombre color.
Jewelry and Watches Fit for Work and Play By Lou (Geeg) Guarino There is a common misconception that fine jewelry and timepieces should only be reserved for special occasions. Perhaps at one time that was the case, but no longer.…
For the past few seasons, the layering craze has shown no sign of slowing down. It’s a great way to make a statement with your jewelry. But if you’re new to the technique or if you struggle with mixing, matching and stacking your pieces, here are some favorite tips from Amie Guarino.
When you get to your destination is your jewelry a tangled mess or is your silver looking a little tarnished? Follow these three pro tips for tangle free shiny jewelry. 1.Straws When traveling, feed one side of your necklace through…
The Holly Dyment Fine Jewelry that we chose at Couture has arrived, Just in time for the holidays!! #HollyDymnet #HaveWeMetYet #OutsideTheBox